There's a big fat cloud above my head
It's been there quite a while
I don't know how to shift it
It's stolen my best smile
This big fat cloud above my head
Is there when I awake
It's waiting to drip its poison down
A dark and coiling snake
This big fat cloud above my head
Lingers all day long
I'm not always aware of it
But I know it hasn't gone
This big fat cloud above my head
Is there when I go to bed
It remains with me throughout the night
My dreams are laced with dread
This big fat cloud above my head
Is impacting on my life
The joy that was my constant friend
Has been totally jack-knifed
This big fat cloud above my head
I need to send away
I'm sick and tired of it being around
I need some fun-filled days
This big fat cloud above my head
Is slowly dissipating
Only I can make the change
And I'm sick and tired of waiting
That big fat cloud above my head
Is gradually being banished
I hope it won't be too much longer
Before it's completely vanished.